No More Chronic Back Pain, thanks to Energy Bagua

Christos Iliadis, Toronto

Back Injury in my Late Twenties

Hi, my name is Chris, 76 years old.  As a young man in my 20’s, I worked in the bakery for a living.  Over the course of three years, for 5 days a week, I packed freshly baked loaves of rye bread into boxes.  I then had to lift each heavy box and load them into the delivery vans and make delivery to retail stores and some private homes.

One day in the year 1972, when I was 27 years old, as I was lifting one of these heavy bread boxes, I suffered a slipped disc in my back.  All of a sudden, I could not walk anymore!  I was in a lot of pain.  Luckily my boss saw me and called a cab to take me to the Toronto Western Hospital Emergency Room. The doctors checked me out and immediately sent me to the Toronto Rehabilitation Hillcrest Centre at Bathurst Street and Davenport Road.  I was to remain in the Centre for a full month of rehabilitation. 

My treatment included lying on a wooden plank to sleep every night, with my legs lifted and suspended in the air, higher than my body.  When I was discharged, I was told to wear a back support brace to protect my back.

I had a young family then and had to go back to work at the bakery, but could no longer do the heavy lifting.  I then took on another job as a cab driver to supplement my income. 

Chronic Back Pain for over 40 years

Because there is always the risk of the discs slipping with a wrong move, I could not rough house and actively play with my young children, who were 6 or 7 at the time.  I could not take them fishing, which I love.  

For the next 40 years, whenever I overexert myself or walk for long distances, my back would get thrown off.  I’d be in pain and would be forced to lie down on a plank for 2 hours for the back to recover.  Occasionally, I would take painkillers to relieve the pain.  Every year, I would suffer two such episodes.  I resigned myself to my fate believing that I had no choice but to live with chronic back pain for the rest of my life.

Turning a New Leaf

But then in 2016, I was introduced to Energy Bagua.  I started practicing this gentle exercise.  I have attended 2 Energy Bagua Retreats.  I practiced daily at the Centre when it was still open prior to the pandemic.  Even during the pandemic, I went to the park and practiced Energy Bagua.

Miracle of miracles, my back strengthened and improved immensely!  For the last 5 years since I started practicing Energy Bagua, I suffered no slipped disc, no back pain episodes whatsoever.  

After one Energy Bagua Retreat in the winter, I was able to shovel and clear two driveways of snow and was still full of energy.  Mind you, the driveways were long, one driveway could accommodate 6-7 cars and the other 4 cars. No problem!  No pain, no slipped disc!  I felt so great!

I can bend down easily and touch my toes – I could not do this when I was 30 years old!  I can bend my knees like so and not hurt my back or my knees!  

Over the winter months during the pandemic, I took daily walks in a nearby park, walking for 2 hours, 7-8 km at a time. 

I Feel Younger Now than Ever

I can do things with my great grandchildren now – like taking them to the park, forests, rivers, lakes across Ontario, and playing ball with them, that I could not do with my own children!     

I truly feel that my body is getting younger even as my age is getting older!  I do not feel my age at all, I feel young, I feel positive energy everyday!  

I daresay that I can outwalk anyone half my age!  

Thank you to Grandmaster JinBodhi for teaching us Energy Bagua!  I look forward to continuing to enjoy my life with health and vitality!

*Note: Results of Energy Bagua practice may vary by individual.